
Friday, February 8, 2013

Christmas - Gingerbread Houses

Christmas is long gone and I have still not posted the pictures and posts from what all we did during Christmas. We had a wonderful time with friends and family. We usually have friends over to our place just a few days before Christmas and we have good food and company. All of our friends have little ones and to keep them busy, I have to come up with something.

This year I wanted to have gingerbread houses for them to decorate and then take home their decorated gingerbread houses. I shopped around in the stores for nice, but not too expensive gingerbread houses, but was not pleased with what I saw. So I thought I will make my own gingerbread house for the kids to decorate.
While browsing through the internet, I found this simple step by step instructions which I followed and I was happy as to how quick and easy these were to make.
The kids had fun decorating their houses and the activity kept them busy for quiet some time..
Here are some of the pictures of the gingerbread houses all ready to be decorated.

And here are some of the pictures of the gingerbread houses which the kids decorated

 Linking this to these awesome parties hereherehere and here.


  1. What a great & easy activity! I've always wanted to do a gingerbread house, but the kits are so expensive. I'm sure these are yummy as well!

    1. Thank you Scarlett!

      Oh yes, they were good to eat too...:)

  2. Oh I love this. It is fabulous. I havn't made one in forever. Be sure to link up to our Holiday Baking Party on the 20th. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

    1. Thanks Marty.
      Holiday Baking Party!!!! That sounds fun. I will make sure that I link up

  3. These look so fun to make. Thanks so much for sharing with Wednesday’s Adorned From Above Link Party.
    Have a great week.
    Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above

    1. Thank you. These were definitely great to make. Not only for me, but the kids had fun decorating it. Thanks for leaving your lovely comment.

  4. I love your Gingerbread Houses!! Would love for you to share at Simple & Sweet Fridays this week. Such a cute project!!

    1. Thanks Jody! Will love to join. See you there!

  5. What a cute blog on making a gingerbread house from graham crackers. I love making them each year with my girls. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop! I hope you’ll join us again next week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

    1. Thank you Kathy!
      I am making a tradition of making these houses with my little ones too...:)
