
Monday, February 11, 2013

Classroom Valentine Gifts

In my son's classroom, they exchange gifts for Valentine. Last week, I got an email from my son's class teacher with the list of kids name with whom he will be exchanging gifts. It didn't have to be big, just small items to exchange. So I made cards with a sign "I am a sucker for you" and put a sucker in that card. I thought it was cute.

Next morning I showed it to my son and asked him if he liked it enough to give to his friends at class. He was like "mom I like it, but can we give something like pencil instead". It was gently putting that he didn't like the "suckers" idea..:(. I should have known better, he is not a big fan of sweets.

So off I went thinking as to how to gift pencils for valentines. There are a lot of ideas posted online. After looking at some of the ideas, I came up with this. And was really happy at how they turned out to be. Hope he likes this one..:). After making the pencil arrows, I went browsing/hunting for printables to use for this project and found it here


  1. These are so cute! I am just now trying to figure out what to have my son take this year. He has to give 60 Valentine's out, as it is for the entire grade. It is a bit overwhelming!

    1. Oh wow! 60, that's a lot!!
      I did not make so many of these arrow pencils, but it was pretty quick to make...:)

  2. What a cute idea, I'm sure the kids will love them! Thanks so much for sharing them with everyone at Sewlicious Home Decor!


  3. Such cute classroom gifts for Valentines day. The little ones will have fun making them and seeing their classmates enjoy them. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop! I hope you’ll join us again next week!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

  4. As a parent I appreciate a Valentine gift that isn't candy! I'm not a candy hater but there's SO much of it all over the place this time of year. Your son had a great idea giving away pencils. Thanks for sharing this at Frugal Crafty Home Blog Hop!

  5. Those are adorable! Thanks for sharing at Together on Tuesdays; pinned!

    1. Thank you so much for the visit and also for pinning 😊

  6. I like these!! What a fun idea - Thanks for sharing on the Pleasures of the NW's DIY party!

  7. Cute idea for a non-sugar class Valentine! Thanks for sharing with Funtastic Friday!

  8. Cute! I'll be keeping this idea in mind for next Valentine's. Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party. Pinned!
