
Monday, November 21, 2016

Laser Tag Birthday

Before organizing this laser tag party, I didn't have the slightest idea about how the laser tag would be. All the ideas came from the birthday boy himself, since he had been to a couple of Laser tag parties of his friends and wanted a laser tag birthday party. And I tell you what, at the party, I got to play a couple of laser tag games and what fun it was!!!. It helped that the staff at the party place were super cool and kept the kids engaged.

So, here are some of the pictures from the party. The snack table is always a fun way to get the theme going.

Throughout the table the theme was of the 'target'.
I made sugar cookies and iced with the 'target' theme.The water bottle labels are easiest way to add that little touch. Cake, cupcakes  also had the theme going. Well, I tried with arranging the fruits too with that theme. But now looking at the picture it seems like it was already messed up a little when I took the picture.

I also had chocolate covered pretzel sticks with colorful icing just like the colorful lasers. The sides of the cake had the same icing for the colorful lasers. Also, when I put the candles on the cake for the Birthday boy, I also put the glow sticks on the cake for the lasers. Below is the picture with the glow sticks. The pictures does not do the justice, but it really had the cool effect with the glow sticks all lit.

For the goodie bags, I drew a target logo in front of the bag with a 'thank you' tag at the back. Nice and simple..:)

Overall it was such a fun party.

To check other crafts and tutorials visit Crafts/Tutorials tab on the top. And to look for other Birthday inspiration, please click on the 'Birthday' label on the right.

Linking this to these awesome parties hereherehere and here. 

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  1. I'd never hear of a laser tag party before, but is sounds really cool. I love the cake! Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party this week. Pinned!

  2. Oh I love this idea!

    I would love for you to share this with my Facebook Group for recipes, crafts, tips, and tricks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pluckyrecipescraftstips/

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

    1. Thank you Jess for the visit and the invite. I would love to share with the group..:)

  3. What a fun idea! I have 3 boys and they would all LOVE a party like this. It's so hard to find party themes for older boys. Thanks for linking up and sharing this idea at the Home Matters Link Party! We hope to see you again next week:) #HomeMattersParty

    1. You bet. These days, instead of coming up with a theme, which I have a hard time with, I assign that responsibility to my kids. Once I get the theme set, then I can plan other things like decor and food around it.. so far it has worked. Don't know for the future parties though..:)

  4. Love this idea for a party! Thanks so much sharing it at Brag About It. Pinned! Have a great weekend!

  5. Looks like a fun party! Thanks for sharing on the Pleasures of the NW's DIY party!

  6. Love this idea! My kids are grown but both of them would have enjoyed this.

  7. It looks like you did a great job! We went to a few laser-tag parties with my boys.
